Advice on discrimination due to (assumed) ethnic origin or religion

Discrimination is a part of our society’s reality and takes place in all areas of life, for example:
- when looking for a flat
- at work
- at job interviews
- at companies
- in public services
- on the street
- on public transport
- at school
amira advises on racial discrimination:
Disadvantages or poor treatment due to a real or assumed ethnic origin, religion, skin colour, language or name. In situations of multiple discrimination, other categories including gender, sexual orientation, disability or age, are also considered when offering advice.
Anti-discrimination advice serves to support those affected and promotes the deconstruction of discrimination.
- We offer a confidential space, to report discrimination and talk about experiences of discrimination.
- We advise individuals, develop possible courses of action to defend oneself against, or to deal with, discrimination; and provide support in their implementation.
- We accompany and facilitate mediation discussions or complaints.
- We inform about entitlements and rights. Juridical options, in particular, those arising from the Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG), can be examined in a legal consultation. Together with a lawyer, we support legal steps.
- Advice services, migrant organisations and supporters can turn to us with questions or arrange an appointment for those seeking advice.
- We provide information seminars for people affected or training for professionals in advice services, organisations, schools or communities.
- We offer Empowerment workshops.

Das Projekt amira wird aus Mitteln der Sozialbehörde gefördert.